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An ethnobotanical survey on the medicinal plant species marketed in Quanzhou, southern Fujian, was conducted in order to document traditional medicinal knowledge and application of medicinal plants in dietary. In addition to literature review, data was obtained using ethnobotanical tools and methods, including personal interviews during field trips, collecting herbarium specimens, and species identification by cross referencing. The results showed that: 1) There are 148 wild medicinal species, belonging to 56 plant families and 117 genera present in Quanzhou, southern Fujian. Among them, 46 species are edible wild herbs, 37 species are medicinal plants, 38 species are used as tea substituting plants or herbal tea,22 species are wild fruits, 4 species are used as spices and 1 species is used to make bean jelly; 2) The plant families which comprise a major part of the pool are Compositae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Rubiaceae, Liliaceae, Orchidaceae and Moraceae; 3) This study explored the utilization of the medicinal plants in Quanzhou area, and proposed methods to inherit the culture of using wild plants in dietary, as well as methods to conserve the edible medicinal wild plant resources.  相似文献   
We used the combined method of general survey surveys, qua drat and transects method, investigated the Cyperaceae plant resources in Jiangsu Province by several field surveys and reviewing of literature, analysed the species diversity, distribution characteristics, distribution patterns and resource value. In order to establish the Cyperaceae plants germplasm bank, understand the distribution of resources application status, and then protect its species diversity and further exploitation. The results showed that specimen and germplasm collected include 116 species belonging to 16 genera, including seven variants. Cyperus rotundus Linn., Cyperus iria Linn., Carex brunnea Thunb. and other 10 species distributed widely, which distribution was widespread and species richness higher. The Cyperaceae plants were concentrated in Lianyungang, Yancheng area and Nanjing, Changzhou area, and low altitude section. The distribution types of genera and species were dominated by the world distribution, pan tropic distribution and temperate Asia distribution, have the transition from pan tropic distribution to Temperate zone. The research may collect scientific resources, effective protection, use and provide scientific basis for the evaluation.  相似文献   
<正>短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes Milne-Edwards,1872)隶属鼩形目(Soricomorpha)鼩鼱科(Soricidae)鼩鼱亚科(Soricinae)短尾鼩属,其模式产地为中国四川宝兴(Milne-Edwards,1872)。短尾鼩属的物种分布于亚洲中南部,共有4种,即A.assamensis、A.schmidi、A.squamipes和A.yamashinai(Wilson and Reeder,2005)。短尾鼩  相似文献   
安徽农田表层土壤中有机氯农药的分布及其组成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以安徽省寿县等19个地区的农田表层土壤(0~20 cm)为对象,采用超声波提取,气相色谱法/电子捕获检测器(GC/ECD)检测,分析了α-六六六、β-六六六、γ-六六六、δ-六六六、op′-DDE、pp′-DDD、α-硫丹和百菌清等8种有机氯农药(OCPs)在农田表层土壤中的分布及组成特征.结果表明: 19个取样点中8种有机氯农药残留的总含量范围为ND~23.75 μg·kg-1,其中PP′-DDD、γ-HCH为主要污染物,平均质量浓度分别为13.83和13.49 μg·kg-1.与1990年的调查结果相比,六六六平均值含量呈明显下降趋势;与国内外土壤相比,安徽省农田表层土壤中的六六六(HCHs)处于中等偏高的水平.安徽省农田表层土壤中OCPs、HCHs和pp′-DDD平均浓度分别为48.58、28.64和13.83 μg·kg-1,均未超过《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618-1995)的一级土壤质量标准(<50 μg·kg-1),污染较轻.  相似文献   
不同稻作方式对稻田杂草群落的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用半试验与调查相结合的方法,以贵州省从江县传统农业区的糯稻和杂交稻为例,研究了在水稻单作(R)、稻-鱼(R-F)和稻-鱼-鸭(R-F-D)3种不同稻作方式下稻田杂草群落的特征.结果表明:糯稻在3种稻作方式下的抑制杂草能力均优于杂交稻;R-F-D显著降低了田间杂草的发生密度,对鸭舌草、节节菜等的抑制效果达到100%,总体抑制杂草效果显著优于其他稻作方式,杂草的物种丰富度及Shannon多样性指数显著降低,Pielou均匀度指数提高,表明群落物种组成发生了很大的改变,降低了原来优势杂草的发生, 是一种较好的可达到抑制杂草效果的稻作方式.  相似文献   
永安竹类植物及其区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经调查,永安天然分布的竹类植物有11属63种(含变种、变型),属种分别占中国总数的28.2%和11.4%,占全省的64.7%和48.8%。其中红舌唐竹、湖南箬竹、毛箨茶秆竹、黄槽毛竹等4种为福建省竹类分布新记录。经类群分析表明,永安竹类植物以单轴散生和复轴混生类型为主,具明显的由丛生竹向散生竹过渡特性,是散生竹类和混生竹类的分布中心。区系地理分析表明,永安竹类植物有5个分布区类型(含亚型),其中东亚成分占首位。  相似文献   
江西三清山兰科植物区系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西省三清山兰科植物资源丰富,约21属30种,占江西省兰科植物属种的56.76%、38.46%,占中国兰科植物属种的12.28%、2.41%。区内兰科植物生活型以地生兰为主;分布区式样以温带型为主;区系成分分散,缺乏本地特有成分。与各山地的相似性以及属种分布型比较显示,三清山与5山地在属级水平上相似性系数高,兰科植物区系联系比较紧密,从属分布区类型看,三清山、黄山、天目山和庐山以北温带分布为主,井冈山和武夷山以热带亚洲-热带大洋洲为主;在种级水平上相似性系数较低,种分布区类型均以东亚和中国特有分布为主。按生态型划分,地生兰为主,附生兰为辅,三清山和黄山只有两生态类型,武夷山、天目山、井冈山和庐山生态类型齐全。最后,依据"中国物种红色名录"对各山地珍稀濒危保护物种进行归纳统计。  相似文献   
福建珍稀南药植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于多年南药植物引种、种植和驯化的实践经验,概述福建35种珍稀南药植物,编录了各植物的药用部位、性味及生境等,并提出南药资源合理开发和持续利用的建议。  相似文献   
福建外来入侵植物初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经野外调查和整理分析文献资料,初步认定福建省外来入侵植物并已归化的种类约73种,分属于29科,其中菊科种类最多,有16种。从来源看,来自美洲的有59种,占80.82%。入侵植物中包括6种2003年国家环保总局公布的首批外来入侵物种。文中还对这些外来入侵植物的危害、入侵途径及其防治对策进行讨论。  相似文献   
通过对福建省泉州市榕属植物在园林绿地中应用情况的调查,总结了该属植物较高的应用价值,并分析了应用中存在的问题和误区,提出合理利用及管养对策。  相似文献   
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